Frequently Asked Questions
9/1 Google Chrome Users Downloading Note - Please Read:
Google Chrome has recently implemented an extremely strict security “catch-all” that prevent it’s users from downloading .ZIP files, even if they are legitimate. Mystery Co customers, please be aware that Squarespace has recently had issues with it’s users not being able to download digital products from Chrome as the browser is automatically flagging the files as uncommon because they are .ZIP, even though they are legitimate files. We recommend using a different browser (Firefox, Safari, etc.) to download the mystery digital file. If you have an issue downloading, please email us directly: info@themysteryco.com
We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to resolve the matter. Thank you.
Can the host play too? Yes! The mysteries are designed so that the host can plan the party without peeking at sensitive information and spoiling the mystery for themselves. The host will play along with the other guests and have no knowledge of the solution until it’s revealed to the entire group at the conclusion of the game.
Can I play online via Zoom or Online Video Conference? Although the games can be played via Zoom (or any online video conference) they were originally intended for people to be together. Playing in person is the preference, but online can be done if need be. The game is played conversationally via “round-table” style.
NOTE COVID-19: We only condone SAFE play of the game following state and nationally mandated COVID-19 safety measures.
How long do the mysteries take to play? The game takes approximately 2-3 hours to play. However, this is your party and you can set the time frame. You can choose to make time limits that your guests need to work within to solve the mystery or you can let the party naturally progress as your guests work together organically. The game has been successfully played within 1.5 hours and has also been stretched to fill an entire evening.
Can I download files to a smartphone, tablet or electronic device? Yes. The files that need to be distributed to your guests are in .PDF format and can easily be read on most electronic devices and smartphones using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Files are password encoded and the password is given to you in your confirmation email. It’s up to you to print or make plans with your guests to use electronic devices. NOTE: We have found that a physical copy helps people be more interactive and also allows the player to take notes!
Do I need to print documents? Yes. The game contains documents that need to be printed. There are optional documents that you can either choose to print or read from an electronic device. You will typically need to print between 7-60 pages depending on what you choose to print.
What happens if someone doesn’t show up? Since the game relies on all characters to be in play, it’s critical that ALL of your guests arrive prepared and ready to play. To ensure that your guests can make it we suggest sending a save the date with the request of confirmation/RSVP, and confirming again several days prior to your party. If guests have an emergency or simply cannot make it, we suggest calling a friend or family member to be a last minute addition. Omitting a character will not allow the mystery to be played or solved accurately.
What if I have never hosted a mystery party before? Not a problem! Our mysteries are designed to be easy to setup and to play. We’ve done the hard-work and testing…you get to do the fun part: host and play! Each mystery includes a comprehensive “Host Guide” that clearly and simply explains everything that you need to know to host a perfect mystery party. Topics include how to play the game, how to invite your guests, food and beverage suggestions, decor ideas and much more!
Will I know who the murderer is before the event? No! The host will learn the solution to the mystery along with all of their guests. There’s no spoilers!
How many people can play? Most games can be played with between 8-16 players. 8 players are mandatory for each game with the option of adding up to an additional eight players. There you can play with anywhere between 8-16 people.