Hosting A Mystery
The Mystery Co. creates original, interactive, high-quality, role-playing mystery party games that you can play and plan in the comfort of your own home. Mysteries come in the form of downloadable kits which include everything that you need to plan, host and play an unforgettable mystery.
What Makes The Mystery Company Different?
Original Theme: These mysteries are 100% original in theme, story and format and tested thoroughly. No two mysteries are alike. Countless hours are spent carefully crafting interesting, provocative and scintillating characters and narratives.
High-Quality: Our mysteries are high-quality games with special attention to detail. From creative, stylish graphic design to multi-dimensional and memorable characters, you won’t find stale and boring cliches, lackluster stories or massive plot holes. We’ve done all the hard work. We’ve considered every detail. It’s your turn to enjoy yourself and do all the fun parts of hosting a party!
Any Gender Characters: Our unique characters have character options for both men and women as well as several characters that are, “any gender” that can be played by anyone! This unique feature allows you as the host the most flexibility as you are “casting” your guest list.
A Real Solution: Each mystery is designed so that your guests will be working together to piece together clues and pieces of information so that they can actually solve the mystery. In other game formats there is no conceivable way to accurately guess the solution. Not here. If you want a fun, memorable mystery that allows you to piece together a mysterious puzzle, this is for you.
A Real-Time Mystery: Our mysteries don’t start a cataclysmic event. Instead our mysteries set the tone and the story unravels over the course of the game. Guests will be brimming with questions and anticipation as they navigate the twists and turns. This game happens in real-time, with all guests playing along to solve the mystery together.
Motive & Means: Each character has a motive and means. Unlike other companies who only have a handful of suspects, each character in a Mystery Co. game is a suspect and has the motive and means able to commit a crime/murder/mystery. Therefore, all of your guests are wholly involved from start to finish.
The Host Can Play: The host can absolutely play along without any chance of spoiling it for themselves.
Everything that you need comes in one easy-to-follow digital kit that is easily downloaded to a computer. Once downloaded, you will read a Host Guide that will serve as your go-to manifesto on how to play the game and plan the perfect party. Each mystery is 100% unique and comes with different numbers of “characters.” You (the host) will invite and assign roles to your guests to play during the game. Through several rounds of interactive game-play, you and your guests will work together (in character!) to solve the mystery!
Step 1 - Choose & Download Your Mystery
First step is to choose, purchase and download your mystery. All mysteries are 100% downloadable. Unzip the easy to use files, (All in PDF format) open the “Host Guide” and you are on your way!
Step 2 - Assign Characters & Invite Guests
The mysteries are chock full of unforgettable characters easily introduced by a handy “character description sheet” available online, even before you purchase the game. It’s up to you as the host to assign the best character to each of your guests. Once you assign your characters and invite your guests, you’re ready to prepare for your party!
Step 3 - Plan A Party!
Like a theme party? Then you’re in the right place. All of these mysteries are full of opportunities to plan and host a party that takes full advantage of it’s theme. Whether you want to serve champagne on ice alongside a raw bar imported by helicopter from Cape Cod or you’d prefer pizza and pop from down the street. These parties are designed to immerse yourself and your guests as deep (or shallow!) as you’d like. Costumes, decor and themed foods are all encouraged and come with curated support and guides on what to wear, what to serve and how to decorate. Even if you’re not the best at hosting, we’ll help make it painless, and most of all: FUN!
Step - 4 Let The Game Begin!
Once your guests stop taking selfies with their friends in costume (trust us- this will absolutely happen when people arrive dressed up) you’ll have the chance to gather your friends, make character introductions, read the rules and get to playing. Once the rules are read and game play is established, your mystery will naturally unfold and the case is afoot.
Each mystery comes with everything that you need to play an incredibly fun and memorable mystery game. This is a 100% downloadable and print-at-home (or your local print center) kit.
Mysteries include:
A comprehensive Host Guide that includes everything you need to know in order to plan and play the game. Detailed instructions, party planning tips and tricks as well as game play tips.
Characters Guides that serve as guide books for each of your characters and guests to use as they play the game.
Characters Descriptions that serve as bios on each character including backstory and key-information on each person.
Creative and high-quality Audio Files that serve to set the mood and reveal information to your guests as you play...
Clues & Evidence that are revealed to your guests as the mystery progresses.
A Map/Blue Print of the event/crime scene for your guests to review while you play.
A Host Check List so that the host can easily plan and organize their party.
And more! Invitations, name-tags, Pinterest pages, decor and food ideas!